
Blog – Whats your Grief

Grief Healing

First Hour Grief Response

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Lisa Marie Presley's final post "Death is part of life whether we like it or not — ...

Lisa Marie Presley's final post : 
 "Death is part of life whether we like it or not — and so is grieving. Grief does not stop or go away in any sense, a year, or years after the loss.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

"Moody: If this is Death it is Sweet"

"American evangelist Dwight L. Moody famously said that someday folks would read about his death in the newspaper. But to not believe it because those born in the Spirit would very much be alive – with Christ in heaven and for eternity. Truer words have never been spoken according to God's promises to us in Scripture..." 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

"When You Die of the Coronavirus, You Die Alone – "

But now, as we tighten our protocols to protect our patients from the threat of Covid-19, she's alone. Here in my hospital, as in so many others throughout the country, we've banished most visitors. It's a tough decision that leaves our patients to suffer through their illnesses in a medical version of solitary confinement. And I'm worried for them. Because those of us on the front lines simply don't have a plan for this. 

Monday, July 29, 2019

"Puzzled officials say minorities are shunning assisted suicide. Here's why. "

"Rev. Eugene Rivers III, a black minister from Boston who helped a group called No DC Suicide, was more explicit, calling assisted suicide "back end eugenics."

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Against their will. Sickening "Catholic Priest Witnesses Euthanization of Terrorized Mother "

"Fr. Manion recalls, "There was no comfort at all. It was a lie. Mom saw what was happening. We did too. I was too weak to do anything. I didn't have the strength. They loaded mom with 3 bags of morphine within an hour. Mom died in terror. She was horrified. It was terrible. She wanted to go home, and she would have gotten better. She always got better in the afternoons...."

Saturday, January 5, 2019


This body that ruins must clothe itself with something that will never ruin. And this body that dies must clothe itself with something that will never die. 54 So this body that ruins will clothe itself with that which never ruins. And this body that dies will clothe itself with that which never dies. When this happens, the Scriptures will be made true:
"Death is swallowed in victory." Isaiah 25:8
55 "O death, where is your victory?
Where is your power to hurt?" Hosea 13:14
56 Death's power to hurt is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But we thank God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ

Saturday, December 15, 2018

PRIEST SHOWS NO COMPASSION AT SUICIDE FUNERAL "Michigan teenager who committed suicide criticised by priest at his funeral "

Rarely if ever hear a good sermon about the "sin of suicide". It should be preached, but NOT at the funeral.
  PRIEST SHOWS NO COMPASSION AT SUICIDE FUNERAL. Preach before, not after  "Michigan teenager who committed suicide criticised by priest at his funeral "

Friday, November 2, 2018

CULTURE OF DEATH [DENIAL] IN THE MIDST OF A BABY HOLOCAUST "We Shall Meet | Benedict Kiely | First Things "

"Solzhenitsyn, in one of his "Miniatures"—the prose poems known in Russian as Krokhotki —wrote that "above all things we have begun to fear death and the dead." That is the paradox Sarah identifies. The culture of death denies the reality of death. The dead are feared and must be forgotten, yet it is now a "human right" to euthanize and to be euthanized. The miscarriage of a child in the womb is a tragedy; the murder of a child in the womb is the leitmotif of a civilized society."

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

#MLK niece "Evangelist Alveda King: #Genocide and #Eugenics are Death Care; Injustice Anywhere... "

"...submitted by Evangelist Alveda King:
British Prime Minister Theresa May is promoting foreign aid to Africa . Her so called "aid" is laced with abortion and chemical/artificial device laden death care. Chelsea Clinton is touting this same eugenic/genocidal death care agenda as an economic boon. Not to be left behind in advertising death care, Oprah Winfrey is telling women to "Shout Your Abortion!" What is the world coming to?..."

Sunday, January 28, 2018

"Catholic bishop warns about arguments for abortion "

"...A leading Catholic bishop has warned that the same arguments which are now being used to justify abortion will be used to justify ending the lives of frail older people and individuals with significant disability...."


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

MOSTLY LOW INCOME PEOPLE, SOUNDS WRONG "Special Report: A business where human bodies were butchered, packaged and sold"

"...For $607, BRC sold the liver of a public school janitor to a medical-device company. The torso of a retired bank manager, bought by a Swiss research institute, fetched $3,191. A large Midwestern healthcare system paid $65 for two femoral arteries, one from a church minister. And the lower legs of a union activist were purchased by a Minnesota product-development company for $350 each.

For raw material, the industry relies in large part on people too poor to afford a funeral, offering to cremate a portion of each donated body for free.

A Reuters analysis of BRC donor files from May 3, 2011 through January 20, 2014 confirmed how important the disadvantaged were to business. The vast majority of BRC donors came from neighborhoods where the median household income fell below the state average. Four out of five donors didn't graduate from college, about twice the ratio of the country as a whole..."


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

(all i ask is that i be not cremated) Sickening "Special Report: In the market for human bodies, almost anyone can sell the dead "

"As with other commodities, prices for bodies and body parts fluctuate with market conditions. Generally, a broker can sell a donated human body for about $3,000 to $5,000, though prices sometime top $10,000. But a broker will typically divide a cadaver into six parts to meet customer needs. Internal documents from seven brokers show a range of prices for body parts: $3,575 for a torso with legs; $500 for a head; $350 for a foot; $300 for a spine.
Body brokers also have become..."


Thursday, April 20, 2017

The UNSEEN VICTIMS OF THE DEATH PENALTY "Death row executioner: 'I still see their faces in my nightmares' " NZ Herald

Putting a prisoner to death "stays with you for a long time," says Ron McAndrew.
The former warden of Florida State Prison told AFP his own mental health had begun to deteriorate by the time he left his position in 1998 after taking part in eight executions.
McAndrew is particularly..."

Jesus Saves

Friday, March 17, 2017

GREAT IDEA "Michigan man - still very much alive - publishes his own obituary "

In his "nobit," published first in the Sunday, March 12, edition of The Grand Rapids Press, her father invited the "countless people who have influenced my life" to join him Saturday at Thousand Oaks Golf Club, 4100 Thousand Oaks Dr. NE in Grand Rapids. He invites friends, colleagues and family to come and "share a roast beef sandwich, some shrimp and a beer with - on me!"

Friday, December 16, 2016

Jimlin, I hope u live many more happy years, but..

But don't fear death..., it is a transition to true life, but a fear of death may mean u [not u specifically, but everyone in general ] haven't made peace with God yet.
Personallly, I finally made peace when I realized and put into action a dedicated life of great commission obedience ...not relying on seminary professors approval of me, not anybody else. Sure it makes life more difficult without a 6 figure ministry salary but GOD never said it would be easy. We must obey. I'm not perfect, far from it, but am trying 2b obedient.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

" - Muhammad Ali - An Obituary"

"Ali will always be The Greatest - and he knew it.
"Will there ever be another fighter who writes poems, predicts rounds, beats everybody, makes people laugh, makes people cry, and is as tall and extra pretty as me?" he once asked his biographer Thomas Hauser.
"In the history of the world...."


Monday, May 23, 2016

I DISAGREE w/ PART OF THIS: "Francis Chan: You Need to be Thinking about Your Own Death " Christian News Headlines

I SAY death is inevitable.. Ie human death... Death of our mortal bodies. We will ALL die. And not b/c of sin. Whether our souls die or are damned is another question. Sin is the issue for our souls, not for our bodies. Yes, think about death for the sake of your soul, not the body. And if your loved one just died or is about to, it's not necessarily b/c of sin, but simply b/c we are ALL mortal beings. But if you are in a relationship w/ Christ, death is not the end but a new beginning that lasts forever.

Death is the ultimate consequence of sin (Romans 6:23). It is a curse. We feel this acutely when we attend the funeral of a loved one or ponder our own death. Death tells us that something is not right with the world, that we are living under the consequences of sin...."


Friday, May 13, 2016

PREPARE 2 DIE "Francis Chan: You Need to be Thinking about Your Own Death" Christian News Headlines

In his article "Think About Your Death" on John Piper's website Desiring God, author and pastor Francis Chan says that, though death is an unwelcome reality, pondering it can actually help us to live with the right focus...."


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Yes! "Pastor John Piper: Christians Should Choose Burial over Cremation "- Christian News Headlines

"resurrection glory."
"Burial," Piper continued, is thus equated to "sowing the seed of the body," and "is the biblical picture of belief in the resurrection of the body."
Piper also says that cremation can be viewed as anti-biblical due to the Bible's many references to hell and evil being associated with fire.
"The use of fire to ...."


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"Hearts really can 'break' after death of loved one -"

"...a new study suggests.
Risk of atrial fibrillation -- a quivering or irregular heartbeat that can cause stroke and heart disease -- was 41 percent higher among people mourning the death of their partner, compared to others who are not grieving,..."


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Wow,CORPSE MEDITATION! "To Be Happier, Start Thinking More About Your Death" - NYTimes

"Paradoxically, this meditation on death is
intended as a key to better living. It makes
disciples aware of the transitory nature of their
own physical lives and stimulates a

Thursday, November 19, 2015

this kind of DEEPER PRAYER LIFE appeals to me: re st gregory palamas & hesychasm

 this kind of DEEPER PRAYER LIFE 
appeals to me

re st gregory palamas & hesychasm

"Kallistos Ware distinguishes five distinct meanings of the term "hesychasm":
  1. "solitary life", a sense, equivalent to "eremitical life", in which the term is used since the 4th century;
  2. "the practice of inner prayer, aiming at union with God on a level beyond images, concepts and language", a sense in which the term is found inEvagrius Ponticus (345-399), Maximus the Confessor (c. 580 - 662), and Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022);
  3. "the quest for such union through the Jesus Prayer", the earliest reference to which is in Diadochos of Photiki (c. 450);
  4. "a particular psychosomatic technique in combination with the Jesus Prayer", use of which technique can be traced back at least to the 13th century;
  5. "the theology of St. Gregory Palamas", on which see Palamism.[3..."

"Some words from St. John Climacus

From Step 6 - On Remembrance of Death in The Ladder of Divine Ascent:
Every word is preceded by thought. And the remembrance of death and sins precedes weeping and mourning.
Not every desire for death is good. Some, constantly sinning from force of habit, pray for death with humility. And some, who do not want to repent, invoke death out of despair. And some, out of self-esteem consider themselves dispassionate, and for a while have no fear of death. And some (if such can now be found), through the action of the Holy Spirit, ask for their departure.
Some inquire and wonder: "Why, when the remembrance of death is so beneficial to us, has God hidden from us the knowledge of the hour of death?" – not knowing that in this way God wonderfully accomplishes our salvation. For no one who foreknew his death would at once proceed to baptism or the monastic life; but everyone would spend all his days in iniquities, and only on the day of his death, would he approach baptism and repentance. From long habit, he would become confirmed in vice, and would remain utterly incorrigible.
And I cannot be silent about the story of Hesychius the Horebite. He passed his life in complete negligence, without paying the least attention to his soul. Then he became extremely ill, and for an hour he expired. And when he came to himself, he begged us all to leave him immediately. And he built up the door of his cell, and he stayed in it for twelve years without ever uttering a word to anyone, and without eating anything but bread and water. And, always remaining motionless, he was so rapt in spirit at what he had seen in his ecstasy, that he never changed this manner of life but was always as if out of his mind, and silently shed hot tears. But when he was about to die, we broke open the door and went in, and after many questions, this alone was all we heard from him: "Forgive me! No one who has acquired the remembrance of death will ever be able to sin." We were amazed to see that one who had before been so negligent was so suddenly transfigured by this blessed change and transformation. We reverently buried him in the cemetery near the fort, and after some days we looked for his holy relics, but did not find them. So by Hesychius's true and praiseworthy repentance, the Lord showed us that He accepts those who desire to amend, even after long negligence...."

If u declare with your mouth,
"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 
that God raised Him from the dead, 
u will be saved." 
Romans 10.9

Saturday, October 17, 2015

(good),HEALING v CURING: "The miracle of dying"

"..."healing can happen even when curing is not possible.
Healing is different than curing. Curing is when you
don't want things to change. You want your injury
fixed, your illness eradicated, which depends on the
skill of the practitioner."
But healing is a different phenomenon, says the
physician, with the power to heal residing within the

Monday, July 13, 2015

"How to Talk About Dying"

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love Him,..."

Romans 8.28

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

MAN ARGUES NOBODY IS IN HEAVEN YET: "End Of The Age - What Happens After Death?" - Passion for Truth Ministries

 "End Of The Age - What Happens After Death?"
 - Passion for Truth Ministries

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love Him,..."

Romans 8.28

Saturday, March 21, 2015

he has Crossed Over From Death to life

"I tell you the truth, whoever
hears my word &
 believes Him who
sent me has eternal life &
 will not be
he has
Crossed Over
Death to life."
John 5:24

"And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love him,..."

Romans 8.28

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

HEAVEN MUST B SO GLORIOUS:"After her son’s tragic accident, God brought peace through powerful visions"

audio 3/9/15 CHRIS McCANN (harold camping assoc) NOW SAYS END OF WORLD IS OCT 7, 2015

i am just reporting what I heard, 
not endorsing it...
I don't endorse end-of-times predictions
audio 3/9/15 

CHRIS McCANN (harold camping assoc) NOW SAYS END OF WORLD IS
 OCTOBER 7, 2015


, heard on coast-too-coast radio, hosted by george noory; McCann was/is affiliated with family radio & the late harold camping, & is now defending Camping's prediction of the end of the world on May 11, 2011 & then October 21, 2011...and says that in fact the date was correct..but it was a "spiritual death" ...& NOW THE PHYSICAL END WILL COME ON OCTOBER 7, 2015 !!!!

 I don't find any media reports about this new prediction, but here's an older story that talks about McCann & Camping

also McCann's website called eBIBLE Fellowship as of 3/10//15 proudly proclaims "WHY OCTOBER 7, 2015 is the LIKELY END of the WORLD" , see

harold camping, chris mcCann, ebible fellowship, family radio, judgment day, apocalypse,

Monday, March 2, 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015

ANGELIC GAL re "Life after Death- Died at party then met god! "

"Life after Death- Died at party then met god!" ...but what about Jesus? Is this a Christian testimony or just about life-after-death?

(not fact-checked by me) GOOD: "100% Proof of What Happens When You Die: The Afterlife Revealed Through Near Death Experiences!! "

"100% Proof of What Happens When You Die: The Afterlife Revealed Through Near Death Experiences!!"

(excerpt), amazing story re "mistaken for dead" re gordy frederick, 1943 navy (by joel kilpatrick, pentecosta evangel nov 2014

excerpt:  amazing story re "mistaken for dead" re gordy frederick, 1943 navy (by joel kilpatrick, pentecosta evangel nov 2014) ...just picked up this magazine somewhere..maybe at a church in san jose, I was passing thru..and this story caught my eye..during the war this soldier's entire working crew (not the entire boat crew ) was killed by a japanese attack on their boat...when the other boat members checked the bodies they thought he was dead (he couldn't move or speak at the moment) and put him in the dead-locker for three days with dead bodies on top of & under him...can you imagine that?! but during the three days his body was rejuvenating (barely,) ...and at the last moment they realized he was still alive !

link no longer works "These 15 Journal Posts by This Dying Pastor Might Just Leave You Standing on ‘Holy Ground’"

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015


-------- Original Message --------
To: James Kok <>,
CC: null

*"Angelica Zambrano - 23 hours Dead, Hell and Heaven Testimony*
* (Rapture & Message of God) "*

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


"Colton Burpo Says His 'Heaven Is for Real' Story is True"

MALARKEY's HEAVEN BOOK was MALARKEY,ADMITS MALARKEY:"‘Boy Who Came Back From Heaven’ actually didn’t; books recalled" - The Washington Post

[Note:I like all the "heaven experience" stories even if they are fictitious because they provoke the spiritual imagination]
(At least he lived up to his name!)
MALARKEY's HEAVEN BOOK was MALARKEY,ADMITS MALARKEY:"'Boy Who Came Back From Heaven' actually didn't; books recalled" - The Washington Post

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014


WELCOME! First the disclaimers: NO this is NOT a gloom & doom blog and definitely NOT a threat of any violence to anybody. I am not angry at anybody at all whatsoever and am NOT suicidal and not depressed. I am an educated person with several degrees including theology, and want to BLOG about end-of-life issues ...a reality we must all contend with at one point or another whether we like it or not. Of course, for some, death happens without any warning (plane crash, random accident, murder, etc) while for others it is a slow dawning that your day is coming (you are told you have terminal cancer, or you are getting SO old you know that any day could reasonably be your last day). Yet for others there is a sense that for some reason you might not live a "normal" age and die "normally" if there is such a thing, even if you have no hint of serious physical health issues. And yet for still others dealing of death & dying comes with a growing sense of a need for strong conviction about the meaning of life. Personally, I fit into the latter two categories. I have come to the point of believing that I might not fit into the normal category...since I am 47, not married, no kids...not locked into a career, mortgage, etc, albeit definitely living a purposeful life. Nonetheless, I don't have that "long-term forecast" in my perspective like some others seem to have. My dad, for example, seems to be "locked in" on expecting a long, fruitful life...he took the traditional way...married young, started a career as a pastor, had four kids...worked 9 to 5, bought a house..moved and changed jobs when he felt it was necessary...and helped the kids to go to college..and three of the four kids then duplicated what he did...all three minus me got married, had kids..started careers...and so my dad and mom now have tons of grandchildren to visit with and be visited by. I truly don't think they have a sense of mortality...which may be a bonus for some; whereas for myself I have already begun to think about end of life...and a future life, and eternal life, and salvation. Of course, my dad being a pastor has obviously had to grapple with the same questions ....but for some pastors who take the traditional career ladder it can be as smooth as any other career. Myself, I also ended up in the ministry, but didn't go straight from college to seminary...and didn't get married right away....and then the older I got, the less sense of urgency for marriage ...and now I can't really imagine trying to convince a woman that I am a good prospect ...with not much money, not a "real" career with  benefits and high salary etc I am doing something good and purposeful that hopefully is pleasing to God (not that we can earn our salvation but we can show the fruits of the Spirit) . Anyways, each morning I wake up I thank God for another day but increasingly think about "what if I didn't wake up?" or at night "What if I don't wake up tomorrow?" As a Christian am I absolutely at peace with the life I lived? Have I truly come to terms with the assurance of salvation? And sometimes I am not completely at ease. I know all the right Biblical answers, and YES I completely do believe in Jesus Christ as Savior. THis is NOT about a late loss of faith in life, but more about truly facing the fact of mortality, my own and others. I have also worked in death-&-dying settings (an emergency room as a social worker intern, for a program I didn't complete : and also as a chaplain intern in a hospital where death & dying is an everyday issue). This blog is about preparing to die. I don't have an outline of what I will post will be random...stay tuned for more. God bless you all. And when I say "Prepare to die" I mean that in a good way...knowing that it is a transition to TRUE LIFE...a better's just a matter of getting ready!